Are you suffering from home renovation "analysis paralysis?" Are you over-analyzing every single decision on your home renovation and now you're just stuck and doing nothing? We get it – renovations are a big deal, but the process should be exciting, not anxiety producing. If you feel like your head is spinning, our 5 decision-making tips should help!

1. Figure out the purpose of your renovation
What is your motivation to renovate? Are you…
Trying to increase the value of your house?
Accommodating a growing family?
Building the home of your dreams?
These are three very different scenarios which will yield three very different outcomes. If it’s your dream home, go ahead and splurge on the marble tile or underfloor heating; but if you’re renovating to sell, make sure each new item will see a good return.
There’s always a purpose, a goal, a reason behind a renovation – once you figure out yours, making decisions will fall into place more easily.
2. Do your research
There are countless resources to help discover your design style and understand the housing market.
3. One decision at a time
When your head is swirling with everything from light fittings to flooring, remember you don’t have to make all the decisions at once. Figure out what’s causing you the most stress and start there: is it a big ticket item like the kitchen layout, or a smaller detail like what style of trim you prefer?
Remember, there’s no rush, no ticking clock: just focus on one decision at a time. By taking bite-sized pieces, the whole renovation will suddenly feel much more manageable.
4. Listen to the experts
By working closely with a professional Interior Designer and a builder, you can unload some of the decision-making burden. Interior Designer Gwen Canfield will walk you through decisions to be made and help you prioritze them. Her process will help you discover what is a priority and what can wait. You will then know how much time you have before needing to make a decision on each item. Then she will ensure your home is as beautiful and functional as you want it to be. The best part is, her floor plan and 3D renderings of your space will help you visualize the end result - before you even spend a dime on renovations!
5. Reflect as you renovate
As you move forward in your home renovation journey, take a moment to look back and see how far you’ve come. We know how important monitoring progress is for sticking to budgets and meeting deadlines. But tracking visual progress is also exciting and seeing how your choices have paid off will increase your confidence and help combat decision-making fatigue.